2018 Mayon Lava Trail
Approximately 2 to 3 hours (roundtrip), less and more, depending on the group’s driving performance/pacing. May also vary according to the number of pax.
Price: ₱2,600 per trail

Black Lava Trail
Approximately 2 to 3 hours, less and more, depending on the group’s driving performance/pacing. May also vary according to the number of pax
Price: ₱2,250 per trail

Green Lava Trail
Approximately 2 to 2.5 hours, less and more, depending on the group’s driving performance/pacing. May also vary according to the number of pax
Price: ₱1,850 per trail

SkyDrive Combo Trail
Approximately 50 mins to 1 hours, less and more, depending on the group’s driving performance/pacing. May also vary according to the number of pax
Price: ₱1,250 per trail

Cagsawa Forest Trail
Approximately =50 mins to 1 hour, less and more, depending on the group’s driving performance/pacing. May also vary according to the number of pax
Price: ₱950 per trail

SkyDrive Grassland Trail
Approximately 20 to 30 Minutes, less and more, depending on the group’s driving performance/pacing. May also vary according to the number of pax